How to protect your Eyes and Eyesight

How to protect your Eyes and Eyesight 

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Beautiful eyes of a girl
Eyes are like a precious gift given to you by God and
there is no substitute for your eyes



Your eyes are your windows to the world. You are able to see the world because of this greatest gift of God to you. But the onus of protecting this precious gift lies on you. 

So, never take your eyes for granted. Here, we will discuss some ways and tips by which you can keep your eyes and eyesight fit and healthy. 

Your eyes are also indicators of your overall health. For instance, blurred vision indicates the person may be suffering from diabetes, a tumor, or may have had a stroke. 

Dry eyes may indicate thyroid problems or arthritis. If your eyelids are white from the inside, it indicates you are anemic. 

11 Tips to protect your eyes;

1. Wash your eyes

When you get up in the morning, wash your eyes by sprinkling water in your eyes multiple times. Cleanliness is the primary task for keeping any part of your body healthy.

2. Control your diabetes

Diabetes directly affects your eyesight. Diabetes is not a single disease, it is a group of diseases involving harmonic insulin imbalance. Diabetes is one of the top causes of blindness.

Nearly all patients with type 1 diabetes and about 60% with type 2 diabetes suffer from diabetic retinopathy in the USA. And this is of course not true only for the USA.

In diabetic retinopathy, the tiny blood vessels of the retina are damaged, which may later on slowly cause blurredness and then blindness.

The best way to protect your eyes is to control your diabetes.

3. Control your blood pressure

Just like diabetes, high blood pressure too can damage

If blood pressure is not controlled for long periods, it may damage blood vessels resulting in improper blood flow to the retina and there may be blurred vision and blindness. 

So, keep your blood pressure too under control.

4. Use pure honey drops

Mix 50% of pure honey and 50% of pure water and put a few drops in your eyes once a week. This will keep your eyes clean, dust free, and also lubricated.

5. To cure dark circles, use green tea bags

Soak two green tea bags in water for a few minutes and place them on your eyes for 15-20 minutes.

6. Wear large sunglasses

Wear large-sized sunglasses in sunlight to protect your eyes from UV rays. Your eyes are the most delicate parts of your body. 

The sunglasses must be of good quality and capable of protecting the eyes from UV rays. 

Never be fooled that dark shades are safer. UV rays may cause cancer, cataract, and many other problems.

7. Use cucumber slices

Take two cucumber slices and press gently on the eyes for 10-15 minutes. This will give a cooling and soothing effect to your eyes in the summer.

8. Do regular exercise

Regular exercise reduces age-related eye problems by 70%.

9. Avoid smoking

Smoking is harmful to eyesight. While smoking, the cyanide present in the smoke may mix in your blood and may damage eye cells. 

Smoking may cause cataracts due to dryness.

10. Avoid overuse of mobile

Mobile phones have become a part and parcel of almost
everyone's life including children. 

Sadly, people have started giving personal smartphones and tablets to children from the age of 2 to 3 years.

Apart from need, smartphones are affordable and easily accessible everywhere. 

They are not only useful for calling but also for many other uses like photography, videography, reporting, checking train and flight timings, video auditing, finding jobs, chatting, and whatnot. 

This is making smartphones an inseparable commodity for everyone. But the cost of all these facilities is your health.

Phones, tablets, and laptops all emit "blue light". This blue light bypasses the pupil and cornea and beams directly into the retina. 

It kills the photoreceptive cells in the retina and once these cells are damaged, they cannot be regenerated by our body.

This results in permanent and incurable damage to the eyes. 

11. Never use a mobile or computer in a dark

Using mobile and computers in dark puts more strain on the eyes and the harmful effects aggravate because glare increases and the blue light affects the eye retina uninterrupted. 

Tips to protect your eyes from screens:

Because of the pandemic, most people have been compelled to work online, study and teach online. This has increased screen time tremendously. 

Most people are suffering from eye problems like strain, weak eyesight, headache, blurredness, etc.
It is therefore important for everyone to learn how to protect their eyes from strain and damage due to screen time. 

Working for long hours on screen may result in dryness, itchiness, and soreness in the eyes. These problems generally subside on their own but sometimes may affect eyesight permanently.

Here, we shall discuss some tips to protect your eyes from the screens of laptops and computers;

Tips to protect your eyes from screens
You can protect your eyes from the screens of mobile
and computer with these simple tips

1. While using a computer, adjust the brightness of your computer so as to reduce glare and strain on your eyes.

Also adjust the font size of letters because if the font is small, you will have to put more stress on reading. Also, the light in the room should be low.

2. Adjust the height of the computer so that your eyes level with the top of your computer and you look down on the screen.

This will save your eyes from the straight reflection of light, resulting in less strain.

3. Follow the 20-20-20 rule. Look away from the computer every 20 minutes at an object at least 20 feet away, for 20 seconds. 

This will give a good break to your eyes. Here 20 is not any magic number. You can adjust the time, the longer the better.

4. Give a light massage to your eyes with palms, every hour. This is good for your eye muscles.

5. See that your monitor is arm's length away from you. Proper distance will also save your eyes from glare and strain.

6. Keep the screen of the monitor clean and dust free. Also, wear anti-glare glasses or a screen. 

How to do Eye- focusing exercise;  

To keep your eye muscles healthy, you should do eye-focusing exercises every day in the following manner

A girl doing eye focusing exercises
To protect your eye muscles you should do
eye-focusing exercises daily

1. Wash your eyes and sit in a comfortable position on a chair or stool.

2. Massage your eyes gently and slowly with your palms, in a rotating manner.

3. Stretch up one of your arms and stretch your thumb up as shown in the image above. The thumb should be at the center of your eyes. 

4. Focus on your thumb.

5. Keep focusing and slowly bring the thumb three inches closer to the center of the eyes.

6. Similarly, keep focusing and move the thumb away and stretch the arm again.

7. Repeat this exercise five times. 

Acupressure points to cure eye disorders, and visual defects and for better eyesight;

  • Here we shall discuss about the use of acupressure therapy to cure eye disorders, and visual defects and to improve eyesight.
  • Some acupressure points have been mentioned in the above video. Press each of the given points in a pumping manner (press-release-press-release) for one minute each, using a finger or jimmy.
  • The First point is LI-4. This point lies in the flesh between the thumb and index finger. Locate this point. On pressing, there will be sharp pain which shows you found the point. Press this in a pumping manner for one minute. Do this on points on both hands.
  • The Second point is St-1. This point lies at center of the bone edge just below the eye. Locate this and press this point in a pumping manner for one minute. Take care that you apply pressure on bone and not on the eye. Do this on the same point on both eyes.
  • The third point is UB-1. This point is located on the inner side of the eye. Find the point and press for one minute in a pumping manner. Here too, avoid putting pressure on the eye. Do this on points on both sides.
  • The fourth point is GB-1. This point is located just near the outer corner of the eye, on the bone. Find the point and press in a pumping manner for one minute. Repeat the same on the other similar point.
  •  The fifth acupressure point is GB-37. This point lies five thumb widths vertically above the tip of the ankle bone. Locate this point and press in a pumping manner for one minute. Locate the other similar point and press this too.
  • The sixth point is Liv-3. This point lies two thumb widths behind the skin margin between the first and second toes. Locate this and press in a pumping manner for one minute. Do this with both such points.
  • The seventh point is Ex-3. This is located midway between the two eyebrows. Locate this and press this too in a pumping manner for one minute.
  • Do this acupressure once every day.

You can press these points yourself but if you feel you can not 
do this properly, get this done by someone else.

How to do palming of eyes?

Steps how you can do palming of eyes with a girl doing palming
Palming of eyes gives relief to your eyes

If you have worked on the computer for long hours or done some long reading work, your eyes may feel tired and dried. You should do palming of your eyes to give relief to your eyes, in the following manner

  • Wash your eyes and hands properly
  • Sit in a comfortable position 
  • Rub your palms with each other so much so that you feel the heat in your palms
  • Cover both your eyes with palms without pressing, so that palms touch your eyes, as shown in the image above
  • Stop thinking and relax your mind
  • Hold for 10 to 20 seconds
  • Repeat this process five times
  • Open your eyes and blink 20 times

Our Other Must-Read Articles:

Questions people ask about Eyes and Eyesight

Q. What do plus and minus mean in eyesight?

A. You are farsighted if there is a "plus" symbol (+) in front of the number. which means you can see far objects clearly but can't see near objects clearly.; you are nearsighted if there is a "minus" sign (-). 

This means you can see near objects clearly but you can't see far objects clearly. 

These figures stand for diopters, the measurement unit for the corrective or focusing power of the lens that your eye needs. "D" is a common abbreviation for diopter.

Q. What are eyesight and eye vision?

A. Eyesight is the ability of the eyes to acquire images, whereas vision is the way in which the brain interprets the data from the eyes.

Q. What is a negative 2-eye vision?

A. You are nearsighted if the number has a minus sign in front of it. 

Typically, things that are close to your eyes appear clear, and far away things look hazy. You are two diopters nearsighted if your prescription reads -2.00.

Q. What vitamin is good for the eyes?

A. Maintaining eye health requires enough intake of vitamins A, C, and E. Other nutrients, such as B vitamins, may also be crucial. 

Specific vitamin deficiencies can raise the chance of developing certain eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration.

Q. What vision score is blind?

A. Visual acuity of less than 3/60, or corresponding visual field loss of fewer than 10 degrees, in the better eye with the best available correction, is another definition of blindness.

Friends, Stay Fit Stay Happy

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