Home remedies for constipation

Home remedies for constipation

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Girl suffering from constipation, sitting on commode
 You can cure constipation without taking antibiotics
when there are good home remedies
           Image: Depositphotos


Constipation is one of the most common problems for everyone. There are some good home remedies for constipation. Generally, an individual passes three or more bowel movements in a week.

If a person passes less than three bowel movements in a week or the bowel movements are hard, dry, and difficult to pass, he is said to be suffering from Constipation.

Anyone can face this problem but it is more common in elders more than 60 years of age. 

Pregnant women and women after the birth of a child are also more susceptible. 

In United States, more than eight million people visit the doctor because of Constipation problems, per year.

When people are suffering from constipation, they most of the time prefer to take allopathic medicine, which is not good for long run. 

Here we shall discuss some natural and home remedies for Constipations.

Causes for Constipation

There may be many causes for Constipation like

  • Dehydration due to insufficient consumption of water and fluids
  • Stress
  • Muscle problem
  • Hormonal changes
  • Fiber deficiency
  • Eating junk foods in excess
  • Some medicines
Home Remedies For Constipation Using Orange Juice:

Orange is a citrus fruit that contains naringenin, a chemical that can give immediate relief from constipation. 

It also contains a high amount of fiber which helps in stimulating bowel movement.

  • To get relief from constipation, drink juice of two oranges on empty stomach in the morning.
  • Do not mix anything like salt or ice in the juice
  • Eat nothing for two hours after this.
  • Repeat this for three to ten days depending on the acuteness of the problem.

Some Other Citrus Juices For Treating Constipation:

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice in a glass jar and a glass and some lemons in a tray
Lemon juice is very good for constipation
     Image: Dreamstime

During constipation, drink lemon juice twice or thrice daily. Lemon is full of Vitamin C which is good for treating indigestion and constipation.

Pear Juice

Pear juice in a glass and some pears
Pear juice contains vitamins good for constipation
        Image: Pixino

Pear juice is rich in vitamins and sorbitol and gives relief from constipation. In its season you should eat pear on regular basis along with other fruits.

Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice ina glass and freshly cut pineapple
Pineapple contains an enzyme that is good
for treating constipation
   Image: Unsplash

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain. This enzyme is good for improving bowel function. 

Pineapple juice provides enough fluids which help in treating constipation.

Watermelon Juice

Water melon juice in a glass and freshly cut watermelon
Watermelon is full of water and is good for bowl
function and constipation
   Image: Unsplash

You can find watermelon everywhere in summer. It is full of water which will keep you hydrated. It helps in regulating bowel functions.

Cucumber Juice

Cucumber juice in a glass and some pieces of cucumber
Cucumber is good for treating constipation since it contains fiber
       Image: Dreamstime

Cucumber is full of fiber and water. It is very good for regulating the bowel system. Therefore it is good for constipation

Apple Juice

Apple juice in a glass and freshly cut applee
Apples contain iron which is good for treating constipation
               Image: Unsplash

Apple juice is also good for dealing with constipation. It has iron and sorbitol which are good for constipation and indigestion.

One thing very important to mention here is that during constipation always drink freshly squeezed juices or they will lose their nutrition and will be harmful for the stomach. 

Home Remedies For Constipation Using Raisins:

Raisins, being full of fiber, prevent constipation and are also good for improving the digestive system. 

  • Take six to twelve big raisins. Wash them and remove their seeds.
  • Take a glass of milk and boil the raisins in the milk for a few minutes.
  • Eat raisins and then drink milk too.
  • Do this at night before sleeping.
  • Repeat this for three or more days as required.

Raisins are very tasty dry fruit. They are full of health benefits because of nutrients like iron, potassium, and vitamins B & C. 

They boost immunity and are good for dealing with anemia. You can also consume them by soaking them in water at night to eat in the morning. 

Home Remedies For Constipation Using Figs (anjeer)

One full and one half cut fig
Fig or anjeer contains fiber which is very good for
treating constipation

   Image: Freepik

Figs also called anjeer are a great source of fiber. This makes them a good remedy for constipation. 

Soak 2-3 dried figs in water at night and leave them for the whole night. Consume them in the morning on empty stomach. 

If not taking them for constipation, you can consume them on regular basis to keep your stomach and bowel system in good condition. 

Figs also have many other health benefits.

Our Other Must-Read Articles:

FAQs that people ask about constipation:

Q. What foods lead to constipation?

A. If you don't consume enough high-fiber foods, such as fruits, whole grains, and vegetables, you can experience constipation. 

Constipation can also result from consuming a lot of high-fat meats, dairy products, eggs, rich desserts, and sugary sweets.

Q. Does coffee cause constipation?

A. Your bowel schedule may be hampered by coffee. Yes, a daily cup of coffee can prevent bowel motions. 

Coffee may be the cause of your unexplained constipation if you consume lots of fiber, move around, and drink water.

Q. Which food to avoid in constipation?

A. It's advisable to stay away from foods that are high in fat and low in fiber if you are constipated. 

Cheese, ice cream, potato chips, frozen dinners, red meat, hamburgers, and hot dogs are all included in this. 

Many processed foods have little to no fiber, which slows down digestion.

Q. What happens if you have severe constipation?

A. Serious consequences such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, fecal impaction, and rectal prolapse, as well as other disorders linked to them that eventually damage general health, may develop if it is not treated. 

As soon as possible, seek medical assistance if constipation is suspected.

Q. Is yogurt good for constipation?

A. Yes, yogurt contains live bacteria called probiotics, which are beneficial to your digestive tract. It might aid in easing constipation.

Q. Is oatmeal good for constipation?

A. A lot of soluble fiber, a form of fiber that lets more water stay in the stool, may be found in oats. As a result, the stool becomes softer, bigger, and ultimately simpler to pass.

Q. Can constipation be caused by stress?

A. There are various ways that stress might cause constipation. By altering body functions, stress hormones have a direct impact on bowel movements. 

In addition, poor diet, insufficient water intake, and a lack of exercise are all risk factors for constipation in those who are under stress.

Q. Does chocolate cause constipation?

A. In fact, chocolate is one of the worst offenders for inducing constipation since it slows down the digestion process.

Q. Is banana good for constipation?

A. Yes, ripe bananas have 3 g of fiber per 120 g, the majority of which is soluble fiber. They also include tannins and amylase-resistant starch. 

We advise against giving bananas to a child who is constipated, though, as there are many other excellent forms of fiber available.

Q. Is bread good for constipation?

A. Because they have less fiber than whole grains, processed grains and their byproducts, including white rice, white pasta, and white bread, are typically more constipating.

Q. Are eggs good for constipation?

A. The high protein content of eggs might make constipation worse.

Q. Is apple juice good for constipation?

A. Apples are fantastic fruit that is packed with nutrients. They also act as a natural laxative. 

Apple juice has been regarded as one of the top 3 go-to drinks when treating constipation because of its high sorbitol and pectin concentrations. 

It is the ideal remedy for constipation due to its fiber and water content.

Q. When should I go to the doctor for constipation?

A. If there is blood in your stool, you should see a doctor. Additionally, you have stomach pain, nausea, or vomiting.

Q. What happens if you don't poop for a week?

A. Constipation that is severe or persistent can lead to or raise the risk of a number of health issues, such as Fissures in the anus known as anal fissures. 

Hemorrhoids are painful, bulging veins that are located near the lower rectum and the anus.

Q. What soups are good for constipation?

A. An excellent food to ease constipation is broth-based soups, such as those made with beef, chicken, and vegetables.

Q. What vegetables help with constipation?

A. In addition to being high in fiber, vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are also excellent sources of folate and vitamins C and K. 

These vegetables aid in giving stools weight and volume, which facilitates bowel movement.

Q. Does peanut butter help with constipation?

A. Both soluble and insoluble dietary fibers found in peanuts and peanut butter encourage regular bowel motions and alleviate constipation.

Q. Is Orange Juice Good for constipation?

A. Oranges have a high fiber level, which gives the stool more volume and encourages bowel movement. 

This citrus fruit also contains naringenin, a flavonol that provides instant relief from constipation-related issues.

Q. Is honey good for constipation?

A. One effective natural treatment for constipation is honey, according to conventional wisdom. You can drink it straight up or mix it with milk, tea, or water. 

When you combine honey with warm water and a few drops of lemon juice, the effects are more favorable. 

Constipation is alleviated and digestion is stabilized by the enzymes in the honey.

Q. Is salad good for constipation?

A. Make a substantial salad with spinach and other leafy greens if you've been having constipation problems. 

They have insoluble fiber that has been shown to reduce IBS symptoms.

Q. Is popcorn good for constipation?

A. Kids of all ages love popcorn as a snack. Eat 3 cups of filling air-popped popcorn to receive 3.5 g of fiber to ease constipation. 

Bonus: Each serving of the air-popped variety has fewer than 100 calories.

Q. Is pizza good for constipation?

A. Fast food: Burgers, fries, chips, and pizza may be causing your constipation. They are heavy in fat and low in fiber and nutritional value.

Q. Can dehydration cause constipation?

A. One of the most typical reasons for chronic constipation is dehydration. Your stomach sends food to the large intestine, sometimes known as the colon. 

The large intestine absorbs water from your dietary waste if your body doesn't already have enough of it.

Q. Does constipation cause back pain?

A. Constipation frequently causes the intestines to enlarge because of trapped feces. 

Back and abdominal aches may result from this. Usually, people with this kind of back pain describe it as a dull, aching form of ache.

Q. Does ice cream make U constipated?

A. For many people, consuming a lot of dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream can cause constipation. 

If things aren't flowing through properly, the lactose in dairy products can produce gas and bloating, which can make someone feel even worse.

Q. Does tea Constipate you?

A. Coffee and tea both have laxative properties. Caffeine, a stimulant found naturally in black tea, green tea, and coffee, helps many people have faster bowel movements. 

These drinks are frequently consumed in the morning to help people wake up and induce bowel movements.

Q. Does chicken cause constipation?

A. Despite the lack of fiber in fish, chicken, turkey, or other lean meats, constipation won't get worse if you eat them.

Friends, Take Care 
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