Home Remedies and Detox Drink for Liver Problem

Home Remedies and Detox Drink for Liver Problems

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Human liver
The liver is located on the right side of your abdomen, slightly below
your ribs, it helps your body digest meals and get rid of toxins.
      Image: Live Science


Friends, the subject of this article is Liver problems and how to keep your liver healthy. T

The liver, which weighs around three pounds on average for an adult and is reddish-brown in color, is one of the most significant organs in the human body. 

In humans, it serves as both the biggest gland and internal organ. Pre-digestion, cleaning, and protein synthesis are its three primary tasks. 

The liver is susceptible to several disorders due to its advantageous location and diverse functions.

The liver is located on the right side of your abdomen, slightly below your ribs. The liver helps your body digest meals and get rid of toxins.

It is possible to inherit liver illness (genetic). Viruses, alcohol usage, and obesity are just a few examples of the many variables that can harm the liver and result in liver issues.

Symptoms of Liver problem or malfunction

There aren't usually obvious symptoms and indicators of liver disease. If liver disease symptoms do appear, they may include:

  • Eyes and skin seem yellowish (jaundice)
  • Swelling and pain in the abdomen
  • Swelling in the ankles and legs
  • Skin itch
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Light-colored stool
  • Continual tiredness
  • Nausea or diarrhea
  • Reduced appetite
  • Tendency of bruising easily

Causes and factors that may increase the risk of Liver Disease

  • Heavy drinking
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes type 2
  • Body art or piercings
  • Drug injection using shared needles
  • Transfusion of blood before 1992
  • Exposure to bodily fluids and blood of others
  • Unsafe sex
  • Exposure to certain toxins or chemicals
  • Inheritance of liver illness
Here we shall discuss some Ayurvedic Kitchen remedies for Liver Problem

The Best Home Remedies For Liver Problems

Please see the above video for reference

  • Take two spoons of Juice of Indian Gooseberry Or Amla
  • Or you can also take one spoon of Amla Powder instead
  • Consume this with a cup of water 3 times daily
  • Repeat this for two or three weeks depending on the need
  • Mix half Lemon Juice and some Salt in water and drink this three times daily
  • Repeat this one to three weeks or as required
  • Eat 200-300 gms of Java Plums, Indian name Jamun, daily on an empty stomach
  • Reduce intake of Alcohol and processed or dried foods
  • Consume more Apples, Garlic, Olive Oil, and Green Tea

Our Other Must-Read Articles:

How to prepare Liver Detox Drink at home in the kitchen

Please see the above video for reference

  • Liver Detox Drink controls weight, boosts metabolism, repairs the Liver, improves skin, and prevents many diseases arising from the Liver
  • Take two Lemons and peel and cut them into pieces
  • Take half a cup of Coriander Leaves and wash them properly
  • Take 1 Cucumber and cut it to pieces without peeling 
  • Take a small piece of Broccoli and wash it properly
  • Mix these all ingredients into a glass of Water and blend in a mixer
  •  Drink this Ayurvedic Liver Detox Drink twice a week

Some More Home Remedies To Strengthen Your Liver

Onions and garlic: 

Choline, a soluble substance, prevents the buildup of fat in the liver. Methionine is an amino acid found in proteins that safeguard the liver and aids in eliminating toxins that are fat-soluble through urine. 

Garlic and onions both contain these elements. Use them regularly in your diet, either raw or cooked.


The sulfur-based compounds in radishes support the liver and enhance digestion by promoting bile flow. Diastase, an enzyme that helps the body digest starches, is present in radishes. 

For healthy digestion and cleansing, combine equal parts of cucumber, radish, and carrot juice and drink four ounces twice daily, 30 minutes before meals.

High-Fiber Diet: 

Foods high in fiber not only support the liver's healthy operation but also aid in the removal of toxins that are fatty, from the body. 

For slow and effective digestion, fiber binds to bile in the large intestine. To support leaver health, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts. 

Consume cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts. Fruits rich in fiber include apples, bananas, oranges, pears, and berries (all berries). 

Products made from whole grains are great sources of fiber. Eat some whole-grain crackers or some nuts.

Pomegranate Tea: 

Rich in vitamin C, calcium, and potassium, pomegranates are a super-detoxifying food for the liver.

Other detox foods include turmeric, green tea, and yogurt. These foods aid in liver detoxification and healthy food digestion.

Drink four to six ounces of hot water that has been flavored with half a lime's juice and one teaspoon of honey in the morning.

Dry Massage (Udvartana): 

Using a brush to provide dry pressure on the soles of the feet, stimulates liver function. Repeat this around 40 to 50 times. 

Before going to bed, scrub your feet from the heels to the toes. This is a great way to activate your lymphatic system.

Castor Oil Packs:

Castor oil has a wide range of medicinal uses. When used as an external heat pack, it decreases internal organ inflammation. 

Castor oil-soaked flannel can be used as a pack by applying it to the right side of the abdomen. A hot water bottle is then placed on top of the plastic to heat the pack for around five minutes. 

The flannel is covered with a sheet of plastic or cling wrap that is typically larger than the flannel cloth. In one session, the full technique must be carried out three to four times.

12 Tips To A Healthy Liver

1. Keep a healthy weight-

If you are obese or even slightly overweight, you run the risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), one of the liver diseases with the quickest rate of growth. Losing weight can make a significant contribution to lowering liver fat.

2. Consume a healthy diet-

Steer clear of high-calorie foods, saturated fats, refined carbohydrates (such white rice, bread, and ordinary pasta), and sugars. 

Eat cooked shellfish, never raw or undercooked. Eat fiber for a well-balanced diet; it is found in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread, rice, and cereals. 

Eat dairy (low-fat milk and moderate amounts of cheese), meat (but limit the amount of red meat), and polyunsaturated foods including fish, nuts, seeds and vegetable oils. Drink a lot of water since staying hydrated is important.

3. Do regular exercise-

Consistent exercise can lower liver fat and aid in the burning of triglycerides as fuel.

4. Avoid toxic meals-

Liver cells can become harmed by toxins. Avoid coming into direct touch with additives, chemicals, cleaning products, aerosols, and insecticides. When using aerosols, be sure the space is well-ventilated and put on a mask. 

5. Avoid smoking.

Organs that do not come into direct touch with the smoke itself, such as the liver, are affected negatively by smoking in a number of ways. 

It has three significant negative effects on the liver: oncogenic effects, immunological effects, and direct or indirect toxic effects. 

Smoking produces chemicals with cytotoxic potential which promote necroinflammation and fibrosis. 

Smoking also increases the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-), which are thought to be implicated in liver cell damage.

6. Drink alcohol sensibly-

Alcohol consumption can lead to a variety of health issues. They can scar your liver and harm or kill liver cells. 

Find out from your doctor how much alcohol is appropriate for you. You might be told to limit your alcohol consumption or give it up altogether.

7. Stay away from infected needles- 

Of course, using unclean needles isn't just a problem for people who inject drugs. After any form of skin penetration involving sharp objects or needles, you should follow up with a doctor and get tested. 

Even though they are uncommon, unsafe injection practices can happen in a medical setting and require rapid attention. Additionally, only use clean needles for body piercings and tattoos.

8. If someone else's blood was exposed to you, get medical attention- 

Consult your doctor right away if, for any reason, you come into touch with someone else's blood. Visit the emergency room at the hospital closest to you if you have serious concerns.

9. Never exchange personal care products- 

For instance, razors, toothbrushes and even nail clippers may contain minute amounts of infected blood or other bodily fluids.

10. Indulge in safe sex-

Your risk of contracting hepatitis B and hepatitis C increases with unprotected intercourse and sex with several partners.

11. Sanitize your hands- 

After using the restroom, after changing a diaper, and before preparing or eating food, wash your hands with soap and warm water right away.

12. Obtain a vaccine-

Both hepatitis A and hepatitis B have vaccinations. Sadly, there is no vaccination available to protect against the hepatitis C virus.

Questions people ask about Liver Problems:

Q. What are the signs of a liver in trouble?

A. There aren't usually obvious symptoms and indicators of liver disease. If liver disease symptoms do appear, they may include:

Eyes and skin seem yellowish, swelling and pain in the abdomen, Swelling in the ankles and legs, Skin itch, Dark-colored urine, Light-colored stool, Continual tiredness, Nausea or diarrhea, Reduced appetite, and Tendency of bruising easily.

Q. What are some common liver problems?

A. Some common types of liver problems are:

1. Hepatitis-There are five types of hepatitis

Hepatitis A-The most common way that hepatitis A is transmitted is through contact with tainted food or drink. 

Without medication, symptoms may go away, but recovery can take a few weeks.

B-type hepatitis-Acute (short-term) or chronic viral hepatitis can also occur (long-term). It is transmitted through body fluids like blood and sperm. 

Hepatitis B can be managed, but there is no known cure. If you're at risk, it's advisable to undergo routine tests because prompt treatment is essential to prevent consequences.

C-type hepatitis-Additionally, hepatitis C can be acute or chronic. It frequently spreads by contact with a hepatitis C patient's blood. 

In its early stages, it frequently has no symptoms, but as it progresses, it may cause irreversible liver damage.

D-type hepatitis-It is impossible to get this deadly form of hepatitis on its own; instead, it only manifests in those who have hepatitis B. Additionally, it may be acute or persistent.

E-type hepatitis-Drinking tainted water is the usual way that hepatitis E is contracted. Typically, there are no long-term consequences and it resolves on its own after a few weeks.

2. Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty liver disease can result from fat accumulation in the liver.

Fatty liver disease comes in two different varieties. These two manifestations can occur separately or together:

Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic

3. Autoimmune conditions

Your immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells in your body when you have an autoimmune disease.

4. Genetic conditions

Your liver may also be impacted by several genetic disorders that you inherit from one of your parents.

5. Drug-induced liver disease

Your liver may get harmed if certain medicines and supplements are taken in excess.

6. Liver cancer

7. Cirrhosis

Scarring caused by liver illnesses and other factors, such as alcohol use disorder, is referred to as cirrhosis.

8. Liver Failure

When your liver suffers considerable damage and becomes dysfunctional, chronic liver failure frequently results.

Q. Can liver problems be cured?

A. Yes-depending on the type of problem and how much damage it has caused.

Q. How do I make my liver healthy again?

A. Use home remedies and tips mentioned above to keep your liver healthy. 

Q. Can you live without a liver?

A. Without a functioning liver, you cannot survive. You may require a liver transplant if your liver no longer functions properly. 

If your liver disease has reached its latter stages, a liver transplant may be advised (chronic liver failure). This liver condition is severe and potentially fatal.

Stay Fit Stay Healthy

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