Home remedies for Diarrhea or Loose Motions

Home remedies for Diarrhea or Loose Motions

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a girl suffering from diarrhea or loose motions, lying on a sofa with her hands on belly
The common causes of diarrhea are food allergy, consumption of
oily and unhealthy meals or dirty water
        Image: Depositphotos


Friends, Diarrhea, commonly known as loose motions, is a condition from which all of us suffer many times in life.

The symptoms are more frequent loose, watery stools.
It may be associated with vomiting, stomach pain, fever, nausea, and weakness.

Diarrhea may be simple to acute. Simple diarrhea may settle in 2 to 4 days but acute diarrhea may take more time and may result in acute weakness, dehydration, fever, and pain in bones and the whole body.

Reasons for diarrhea

There may be various causes for diarrhea such as
  • Food allergy
  • Consumption of heavy-to-digest meals
  • Consumption of dirty water
  • Alcohol
  • Overactive Thyroid
  • Some Medication
  • Some people may suffer from diarrhea due to running called runner's diarrhea. The reasons for runner's diarrhea are not known

Home remedies for Normal Diarrhea or loose motions

Here, we will discuss some very good and effective home remedies for normal diarrhea. You may use any one or more of them.
  • Diarrhea is the second largest cause of death of children under five.
  • It usually lasts for two to four days without the need of treatment.
  • Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Boil water and let it cool before drinking.
  • Take light or very light meals and avoid fatty or spicy food.
  • Boil 10 grams of Basil Leaves in two cups of water. When it reduces to half a cup, drink it lukewarm.
  • Take a cup of buffalo milk. Mix to it a spoonful of sugar and some lemon juice. Hold for two minutes and then drink it. Repeat this twice daily.
  • Crush six Cardamoms and boil them in six cups of water. Let it reduce to three cups. Let it cool. Drink a cup of this every four hours. 
  • Drink a cup of Pomegranate juice 2-3 times daily.
  • Mix one or two spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of lukewarm water. Also, mix one spoon of Honey and drink it. Repeat this 2-3 times daily.  

Home remedies for acute diarrhea

Here we shall discuss some very effective home remedies for acute diarrhea or loose motions which may be accompanied by blood or white fluid. You may use any one or more remedies depending on the ingredients available to you.

  • Extract two spoons of juice of onions and consume after every hour. Extract fresh onion juice every time. Don't make the mistake of extracting juice once for the whole day to keep it in the fridge. 
  • Mix the juice of one lemon with a cup of fresh water and drink this 3-4 times daily.
  • Extract the juice of ginger. Mix one spoon of this with a half cup of warm water and drink this every hour. Every time take fresh juice of ginger.
  • Take some fresh Holy Basil leaves and mix them with jaggery powder and consume 3-4 times daily. Take fresh leaves every time.
  • Due to the loss of fluids in loose motions, there is a shortage of salt and water in the body. To save the body from dehydration, drink plenty of water mixed with salt and sugar 4-5  times daily.

Home Remedies for diarrhea in infants less than six months

  • For infants aged less than 6 months, the infant's stomach depends on what the milk-feeding mother eats or drinks. 
  • To save the infant from diarrhea, the mother should take non-spicy and easy-to-digest meals. 
  • Mother's milk is the best medicine for the stomach-related problems of a child.
  • Everything that comes in touch with the child, like toys, teethers, pacifiers, and clothes should be kept neat and clean.
  • Wash your hands with soap or hand wash every time before feeding or playing with him/her.
  • In case of loose motions wait for 2-3 days. The problem will subside. But if it persists beyond that or aggravates, consult a doctor immediately.

Causes of diarrhea (loose motions) in babies of 6 months or more

A girl child suffering from diarrhea sitting on a commode
Diarrhea in children may be due to teething, stomach infection,
a food allergy or lack of cleanliness
    Image: Freepik

  • One reason for loose motions or diarrhea amongst children may be teething. During teething, children may suffer from loose motion.
  • It may be due to a viral stomach infection. Through motions, the infection or toxins are flushed out.
  • Some children are allergic to foods like milk, wheat, rice, eggs or peanuts, etc. Be careful and notice if the child is allergic to any of these.
  • It may be due to a lack of cleanliness around the child. Infants try to put everything in their mouths to pacify irritation due to teething. Keep the toys and other items in the child's reach clean.

Home remedies for loose motions in babies

  • Give fiber-rich foods like bananas, apples, oats, and barley to the child.
  • Keep the child hydrated by giving ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution). ORS is available with local chemists but you can prepare it at home. 
  • To prepare ORS at home boil one liter of filtered water and let it cool. Mix to it six teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt to dissolve completely. Give this to the child at regular intervals. This will save the child from dehydration.
  • Mix some ginger juice in water and give it to the child.
  • Avoid giving any medicine or antibiotics to kids to cure loose motions.
  • Avoid giving excess sweet or spicy meals. Feeding mothers should also avoid this while the stomach of child is upset.
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Questions People Ask about Loose Motions;

Q. What is the reason for loose motions?

A. Diarrhea can be brought on by a number of ailments, including Viruses. Norwalk virus, also known as norovirus, enteric adenoviruses, astronaviruses, cytomegaloviruses, and viral hepatitis are some of the viruses that can cause diarrhea. 

The most typical cause of severe childhood diarrhea is rotavirus.

Q. Is Loose motion serious?

A. It's common and usually not serious. Many people get diarrhea a few times a year. It normally lasts 2 to 3 days.

Q. Which food is good for loose motions?

A. Every time you have a loose bowel movement, you should hydrate yourself with at least 1 cup (240 milliliters) of drink. 

Instead of three large meals, space out your meals throughout the day. Consume salty meals like pretzels, soup, and sports beverages. 

Consume foods high in potassium including bananas, skinless potatoes, and fruit juices.

Q. Is banana good for loose motion?

A. Bananas and potatoes are abundant in potassium-rich fruits and vegetables. Additionally, pectin, a water-soluble fiber that aids in absorbing extra water in the intestines, is present in them. 

Bananas also contain essential electrolytes that your body loses when you have loose movements.

Q. Can stress cause loose stools?

A. The body releases hormones and substances when a person is worried, claims the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA). 

These can upset the gut flora as they enter the digestive tract, which can cause a chemical imbalance that causes diarrhea.

Q. Will curd stop loose motion?

A. Buttermilk or curd, which is rich in healthy bacteria, soothes the stomach and helps to reduce discomfort. 

It functions as a probiotic by replacing the gut bacteria that are lost during loose bowel movements.

Q. Can I drink milk in loose motion?

A. Contrary to popular opinion, drinking milk while experiencing a stomach ache or diarrhea won't hurt you.

Q. Can I drink tea in loose motion?

A. Black tea has similar health advantages to green tea, particularly for calming an upset stomach. It might be particularly useful for treating diarrhea.

Q. Is rice good for loose motion?

A. White rice is good for diarrhea.

Q. Is Egg good for diarrhea?

A. Yes, eggs do help most people with diarrhea slow down their bowel movements and speed up their recovery.

Q. Can you get diarrhea from eating too much?

A. Yes, when the body tries to digest a big amount of food, overeating and difficult-to-digest meals can cause stomach aches and diarrhea.

Q. Can I eat chapati in loose motion?

A. Yes there are no food restrictions in loose motion.

Q. Does lemon stop diarrhea?

A. Therefore, if diarrhea is brought on by bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasite illnesses, consuming small amounts of unsweetened lemon juice may be helpful. 

Additionally, natural lemonade contains calories, certain electrolytes, and water.

Q. Is ice cream good for loose motion?

A. Diarrhea may become worse if you consume dairy products including Paneer, butter, cheese, and ice cream.

Q. How long does food poisoning last?

A. Food poisoning often disappears within 12 to 48 hours. A healthy body clears the illness in that amount of time. 

If your immune system is compromised or you have a parasite that needs to be treated with medications, it can linger longer.

Q. Which vegetable is good in loose motion?

A. Boiled vegetables like green beans, potatoes, and carrots are good in loose motions.

Q. Is khichdi good for diarrhea?

A. You might want to consider including a mild khichdi with moong dal in your loose-motion diet. It is simple to digest and gives you the necessary energy and power.

Q. What foods worsen diarrhea?

A. Avoid these foods if you have diarrhea
  • milk and other dairy goods.
  • greasy, oily, and fried foods.
  • processed foods.
  • veal and pork.
  • sardines.
  • veggie raw.
Q. Does diabetes cause diarrhea?

A. Along with various other gastrointestinal (digestive) issues, diabetes can result in diarrhea. Diabetes frequently causes diarrhea. 

People who have had diabetes for a long period are more likely to experience it.

Q. What foods cause food poisoning?

A. The most contaminated raw animal products include raw or barely cooked meat and poultry, raw or barely cooked eggs, unpasteurized (raw) milk, and raw shellfish.

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