The Best Home Remedies for Malaria, Typhoid and Other Fevers

Home Remedies for Malaria, Typhoid and Other Fevers

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A girl child suffering from fever, being checked with a thermometer
Fever is actually a sign of an infection or sickness
        Image: Freepik


Friends, according to the National Institute of Health, a person or kid is deemed to have a fever if their body temperature increases by more than 37.5 Celsius or 99.5 Fahrenheit. 

Fever is actually a sign of an infection or sickness. Our defensive mechanism raises the temperature when a virus or bacteria attacks our body to create an environment where infection cannot flourish.

Once the virus or bacteria dies, the fever naturally subsides. However, if you or your child has a temperature that is higher than 101 degrees, you should take medicine.

In addition, you can try some natural therapies to strengthen your immune system and lower your temperature.

Let us discuss some very good and effective Home Remedies for fever;

Onion Tomato Home Remedy for High Fever:

Home Remedy for High Fever Using Onion and Potato. This remedy is good for both children and elders:

Please refer to the above video;
  • Take one or two onions and grate them.
  • Take one or two potatoes and grate them.
  • Mince some garlic and mix all the items.
  • Place the mixture in a pair of socks and help the patient wear them.
  • Dip a small towel in Apple Cider Vinegar.
  • Apply this towel to the patient's forehead.
  • The temperature should surely decrease in the next hour.

Home remedy for all types of fever:

Please see the above video for reference.

  • Take 11 fresh Basil Leaves and wash them.
  • Take 7 Black Pepper Balls and grind them.
  • Boil pepper and leaves in a glass of water in a bowl so that it reduces to half.
  • You can sweeten it by adding sugar to taste.
  • Filter and drink it twice a day for 2 to 7 days as required. Prepare it fresh every time.
  •  For children below 12 years, reduce dosage to one-fourth or less.
This remedy is good for all types of fever.

Home remedies for Typhoid:

Please see the above video for reference.

  • Consume two Garlic Cloves on empty stomach for some days.
  • Mix a pinch (half a gram) of Cinnamon Powder in two spoons of Honey and consume twice daily for some days. 
  • Mix half spoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a cup of water and drink 3-5 times daily for 5 days.
  • Consume 5-6 Oranges daily for some days.
  • Mix the juice of one Lemon and one spoon of Honey in a glass of water and take 3-4 times daily for some days.
  • Boil 10-20 Basil Leaves and 1 spoon of crushed raw ginger in water and take 2-3 times daily for some weeks. Prepare it fresh every time.
  • Boil 7 Cloves in 7 cups of water to reduce to half and consume it daily for a week. 
Do as many of these home remedies as you can.

Home Remedies for Malaria and Viral Periodical Fevers;

Please refer to the above video.

  • Take about 50 to 100 grams of Table Salt.
  • Roast it on low heat till it turns brown.
  • Let cool and then store it in a glass container.
  • Mix one spoon or more of this in a glass of Hot Water.
  • Mix a small amount of Turmeric powder into it.
  • Consume this on empty stomach before the rise of fever.
  • Take this again after the fever comes down.
  • Repeat the process only if the fever comes again.
  • The fever will go and you may not require it a third time.
  • Keep your stomach empty for a few hours, then start with a liquid diet.
  • People in old age or those having high Blood Pressure may avoid this remedy or do it carefully.

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Questions People Ask About Fever;

Q. How long does a fever last?

A. After one to three days, most fevers normally go away on their own. For up to 14 days, a persistent or recurrent fever may linger or keep returning. 

Even if it is only a little fever, one that persists for a longer period than usual may be severe.

Q. When should I worry about a fever?

A. Fever by itself might not be a reason for concern or to call the doctor.

However, there are specific situations in which you should get medical help for yourself, your child, or your newborn.

Particularly in newborns and young children, a fever is a cause of concern. 

If your child is:

less than 3 months old and with a temperature of at least 100.4 F (38 C).

Between the ages of 3 and 6 months, with a fever of 102 F (38.9 C) or with a lower temperature but seeming strangely cranky, lethargic, or uncomfortable.

Between the ages of 7 and 24 months with 102 F (38.9 C) or higher temperature lasting more than a day with no other symptoms. 


If your child develops a temperature but is still alert, there's probably nothing to worry about. This indicates that your youngster looks you in the eye and responds to your voice and facial gestures. 

Additionally, your toddler might be playing and consuming fluids.

Go for a remedy or contact your child's doctor right away if he 

has poor eye contact with you, is confused or appears restless,

is agitated, frequently throws up, suffers from a terrible headache, sore throat, stomachache, or other symptoms that are quite uncomfortable,

has a fever lasting more than three days.


If your temperature is 103 F (39.4 C) or above, contact your healthcare professional right away. 

If any of these warning signs or symptoms appear together with a fever, get help right away from a doctor:

terrible headache
unusual sensitivity to bright light
neck pain and stiffness when bending your head forward
continual vomiting
breathing issues or chest pain
Continent pain
difficulty urinating
sickness causing seizures or convulsions.

Q. Why do fevers spike at night?

A. Your blood has less cortisol at night. As a result, at this time, your white blood cells can quickly identify and combat infections in your body, which cause symptoms like fever, congestion, chills, or sweating to appear. 

As a result, you experience nighttime sickness more.

Q. Is sleeping good for a fever?

A. While getting more sleep won't always make a fever go away faster, it will improve the function of your immune system. 

And that can hasten the recovery of your illness, cold, or flu, which will also get rid of the fever. So when you have a fever, get some rest. You'll be benefiting your body.

Q. Should you use a blanket if you have a fever?

A. Don't cover up with extra clothing or blankets. Your temperature could increase more as a result of this. 

Put on comfy, light clothing. When you sleep, cover yourself with a thin blanket or sheet.

Q. Is sweating after fever good?

A. It is not unusual to believe that sweating out a fever can be beneficial because sweat is a component of the body's cooling system.

Q. What time of day is the fever highest?

A. Body temperature is highest in the late afternoon and early evening and lowest in the early morning hours. Additionally, newborns typically have greater body temperatures than older kids.

Q. Is it OK to sleep all day when sick?

A. When you're sick, sleep is crucial to your recovery. Your immune system is strengthened by sleep, helping you to fight off illnesses more successfully. 

Don't worry if you find yourself sleeping a lot when you're sick, especially in the first few days. Your body knows what it needs.

Q. Why do we feel weak during a fever?

A. The body loses electrolytes when having a fever, which ultimately makes you feel more tired. Increase your fluid intake to make up for the loss and ensure that your body is properly hydrated. 

To replace the lost electrolytes, you can also add oral rehydration salts to the water.

Q. Can stress cause fevers?

A. The body loses electrolytes when having a fever, which ultimately makes you feel more tired. 

Increase your fluid intake to make up for the loss and ensure that your body is properly hydrated. 

To replace the lost electrolytes, you can also add oral rehydration salts to the water.

Q. Does sweating mean fever is breaking?

A. Yes, perspiration generally serves as a sign that your body is gradually healing.

Q. Is drinking cold water good for fever?

A. Cold water consumption brings down body temperature and decreases fever. While staying hydrated is crucial at all times, taking cold water while the body is in distress is especially beneficial. 

Electrolytes that may have been lost during a fever can be replaced by adding a squeeze of lemon and a small amount of sea salt.

Questions On Typhoid;

Q. How typhoid is caused?

A. Typhoid fever can strike anyone who consumes infected food or drinks polluted water. 

The other reasons are using a toilet that has been contaminated with bacteria and touching your mouth before washing your hands or consuming shellfish that has been exposed to polluted feces or urine.

A. What happens to a person with typhoid?

Q. Similar symptoms are present in both typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever. The typical fever for those who have these illnesses might reach 103 to 104°F (39 to 40°C). 

Additionally, they could feel weak, experience headaches, stomachaches, constipation or diarrhea, cough, and lose their appetite. 

A rash of flat, rose-colored patches might appear on some persons.

Q. How long does typhoid last?

A. When the symptoms of typhoid fever are treated promptly, they only last seven to ten days. 

It may persist for three weeks or longer if left untreated or if therapy is delayed. It can require more time to fully heal if you experience difficulties or a relapse.

Q. What food should be avoided in typhoid?

A. Raw vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, and onions, should be avoided if you have typhoid.

Fruits include kiwi, pineapple, dried fruit, and uncooked berries.

Quinoa, couscous, barley, buckwheat, and brown rice are all whole grains to avoid.

Nuts: walnuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, and almonds.

Pumpkin, flax, and chia seeds are examples of seeds.

Q. How do you detect typhoid?

A. Blood, feces, or urine samples can all be used to confirm a typhoid fever diagnosis. These will be inspected under a microscope to look for the disease-causing Salmonella typhi bacteria. 

You may need some tests because the bacteria aren't always found right away.

Q. Which organ is affected by typhoid?

A. Internal bleeding in the digestive system and typhoid fever are the two most frequent side effects. 

Q. Can we drink milk in typhoid?

A. Patients with typhoid can drink milk. To lessen the risk of bacterial infection, milk must be carefully boiled before consumption.

Q. Is typhoid contagious by touch?

A. Not by merely touching, but by coming in close contact.

Q. Is hospitalization necessary for typhoid?

A. Early detection of the problem usually results in minimal disease, and the majority of cases can be treated with an antibiotic course lasting one to two weeks. 

Hospitalization and intravenous antibiotic therapy may be required in more severe situations. Can typhoid cause back pain?

A. Yes

Q. Does typhoid affect the brain?

A. No

Q. Does typhoid affect the eyes?

A. Generally, no.

Q. Does typhoid cause hair loss?

A. Yes. However, if the sickness is treated with good food and hair care, the hair can quickly regrow.

Questions on Malaria;

Q. What is one of the first signs of malaria?

A. Most persons have a fever, sweats, chills, headaches, malaise, muscle aches, nausea, and vomiting at the outset of the illness. 

Malaria can quickly progress to a serious and potentially fatal condition.

Q. What are the main causes of malaria?

A. There is a plasmodium-genus single-celled parasite, which causes malaria. Most frequently, mosquito bites are the means of parasite transmission to people.

Q. Can you catch malaria from someone?

A. You cannot contract malaria by coming into personal touch with a person who has it since it is not communicable. 

The malaria parasite does not live in the saliva of an infected individual and is not contagious. 

Blood transfusions or organ transplants are the only ways to contract malaria from a person.

Q. Do you need to isolate yourself from malaria?

A. Since malaria is not communicable, isolation is not necessary, nor do patients with the condition need to be barred from work or school. 

But yes, you should not give blood or organs if you have a history of malaria.

Q. Can you get malaria without being bitten by a mosquito?

A. The majority of instances of malaria are brought on by a mosquito bite that is carrying the disease.

Malaria can occasionally spread through blood transfusions if the blood is contaminated.

Q. Is there a vaccine for malaria?

A. RTSS, also known as Mosquirix, is the only vaccine that has been licensed for use outside of the EU as of 2022.

Stay Fit, Stay Happy

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